유성룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전룸싸롱 대전퍼블릭가라오케 유성풀싸롱

유성룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전룸싸롱 대전퍼블릭가라오케 유성풀싸롱

유성룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전룸싸롱 대전퍼블릭가라오케 유성풀싸롱

유성룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전룸싸롱 대전퍼블릭가라오케 유성풀싸롱

“Hmm. It tastes better than I thought.”“Aren’t chestnuts in Goryeo famous for losing eggs?”“If it were onl

y a short distance to Zhejiang, I would have bought them all.”“Whoever wants. People here have to eat

too.””It’s not a story that someone who came with a boat full of grain would tell me.”while talking like

that.More than twenty roasted chestnuts quickly disappeared.It was because he had not been able to

eat well for nearly a month because he had to load as many people and goods as possible on the s

hip.As the two of them watched for a while over the last roasted chestnut, someone called Dong-oh.

While turning his head there for a moment, the simbu snatched the last remaining roasted chestnuts,

ut Dong-oh, after talking with him for a while, hurriedly stood up.When the umpire asked why, he lo

wered his voice to answer.“Your Highness is looking for us.”#There is no Joseon in my history -31

Let Kwak Choong-soo call the two.After some time, they entered the palace.Simbu was wearing his

유성룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전룸싸롱 대전퍼블릭가라오케 유성풀싸롱

usual clothes, but Dong-oh was dressed in a green official uniform.It was because while designating

him as a fish merchant, he was also given a government post called Seung (丞), the 7th rank of Na

esusa.At first he tried to get a higher seat, butAt the time, there were Jo Il-shin and others, so there

was a lot of opposition.The biggest stumbling block was his status.In the end, he had no choice but

to make a condition that he could not receive more than a certain rank.However, Dong-o was quite

satisfied with just receiving the official post, which was unimaginable for him, who had risen from t

he bottom after taking the position of Byeokrando.“The official uniform suits you quite well.”Becau

se we met outside every time.It was also the first time I had seen him in an official uniform.Then Do

ng-oh put on a very embarrassed expression, which was not appropriate, but the simbu also helped

me.”you’re right. There is no such thing as a high official.”“Hmmmm! This person, isn’t His Highness

유성룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전룸싸롱 대전퍼블릭가라오케 유성풀싸롱

here? That kind of position is not worthy of someone like me.”Dong-oh looked at me and refuted t

he words of his sim.He wanted to tell me that there was nothing he couldn’t do with his heart, but h

e didn’t say anything useless.Because it is practically impossible.It is not easy to reform Goryeo as a

whole.It was not as easy to see as the identity system.There were many things I felt while making

briquettes this time.Anything, no matter how good, had to fit the times.People did not pay much

attention to briquettes because it was much cheaper to get them directly from the mountain or

buy firewood.It is an item that must be dug up far away in the East Sea and then ground into po

wder to make briquettes and transported to here.I had to give up because it could never be cheaper.

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유성룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전룸싸롱 대전퍼블릭가라오케 유성풀싸롱

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