대전유성호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전이부가게 대전유성호스트빠

대전유성호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전이부가게 대전유성호스트빠

대전유성호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전이부가게 대전유성호스트빠
대전유성호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전이부가게 대전유성호스트빠

대전유성호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전이부가게 대전유성호스트빠

I have seen it in a book. The wind caused by Mazu, who lives in the western desert, b

ings disaster.Mazu’s gigantic body hides Reiji’s sun and casts a shadow over this country.

「Geeeeee!!!!!」Along with Mazu’s roar, the wings flapped and the wind rose. The wind make

s the surrounding buildings creak.“It’s dangerous at this rate… … 」I’m going to fly with e

mergency magic.“Ah, Reiji-senpai!!”Nao points.From the place where Mazo came out, a p

rson wrapped in light emerges. There is no way you can go wrong this time. What came

out was Reiji.Reiji confronts Mazo.「Kisamakonoknihoroboshitejaru!!!!」Mazo exclaims. The

sound resonates loudly.The dark emotion contained in that sound would terrify the peop

le of this country.“As long as I exist! Would you do something like that-!!!”This time, Reiji

shouted. The sound of the rage is very often affected. He’s got the old song, but he’s rea

대전유성호빠 O1O.4832.3589 대전이부가게 대전유성호스트빠

lly good at it.「Corredemo Shik Laei!!!」When Mazo spreads his wings, his wings become

giant arrows and pounce on Reiji.“Could something like that work?”Many balls of light fl

oat around Reiji.The ball of light flies and shoots down a huge Wuxi. It is Reiji’s magic, t

he light bullet of heavenly heat.“This time, it’s our turn!!!”When Reiji shouts, a huge ma

gic circle rises in front of Reiji.”that… … 」I murmur involuntarily. The magic Reiji is trying

to use is Kamui’s Frenzy, a magic that even the gods of Erios can use only Miwao Ordis.

When Reiji used the magic for the first time, Reina was surprised and explained.“Go-!!”

Light overflows from Reiji’s magic circle and swallows Matsu.「That’s right!!!」The roar of

Mazu’s dying horse. You can see that Mazo’s body is disappearing in (in) the light.