대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 대전풀싸롱 대전노래방

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 대전풀싸롱 대전노래방

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 대전풀싸롱 대전노래방

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 대전풀싸롱 대전노래방

That was what Modagun said as he lowered his head.Black Dragon, Awun saw Mo Daegun. His body

looked a little overweight, but his agility was like that of a fat swallow. And it’s poisonous.Awun wa

s just looking at the modaegun.’A terrible bastard.’Mo Dae-geon glared at A-wun with a very bor

ed expression.”You worked hard to come this far. It must have been a bit frustrating.””Not just a li

ttle bit, but a lot of stuff.”He was confined to the wagon for a month and a half. He couldn’t even

guess where he was being taken.They ate rice as they were given by the wagon, and even when th

ey urinated, their eyes were covered and blood was collected, and it was possible only in limited

places.. It took him forty-five days to get here. No, when I opened my eyes, it was this secret ro

om.”They’ve been asking me for so long.””Of course not, they’re being taken somewhere, but if y

ou’re not curious, that’s a person.”“But you were a bit harsh.””I think you’re less severe because y

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 대전풀싸롱 대전노래방

ou didn’t tell me even after doing that.””Okay, let’s stop now and get down to business.””Tell me

. Even if you don’t, I was on the verge of going crazy.””Your job is simple.””…….””Currently, there i

s a person practicing martial arts. He will soon become one of the strongest people in the world.

She is the granddaughter of the person I serve and is a daughter of a very precious family. His

material can be called Cheonuimubong.The problem is a sense of practice. The sense of actual

combat he wants is a life-and-death struggle in which bones are broken and blood splatters.

Hehe! Of course, when he competes with you, he will only use a very small amount of his

inner strength.”Awun smiled. He seemed to know what he wanted.”In the end, this confront

ation will continue until I die.”Modagun didn’t answer and just smiled.”It won’t work as inten

ed.””If you don’t do what I tell you, you will die, and all of your men will die.”Aun smiled.

“I made a mistake in threatening you. By now, none of my men will be there.”

Modaegan’s complexion changed.”They’re not stupid. They’re pretty smart, just like me,

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 대전풀싸롱 대전노래방

the leader.”It was too young to live in the eyes of Modagun.He felt like thirty days had

passed.It was the time Aun roughly calculated.His whole body throbbed. It felt like all hi

s bones were broken. Still, I thought that the reason my teeth were healthy was because

Heaven helped me.’From now on, I will not have business with fair-faced girls. Wouldn’t

it be better if I ran to my own feet and hung on?’Awun sharpened his teeth. I rememb

ered the face of the girl who had beaten herself like a dog once again.It’s pretty, it’s di

rty pretty, but it’s even worse than a poisonous snake.The first time I was taken to the

gymnasium was when I came here