대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 세종시룸싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱 대전룸바

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 세종시룸싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱 대전룸바

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 세종시룸싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱 대전룸바
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 세종시룸싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱 대전룸바

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 세종시룸싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱 대전룸바

“Sure.”Soha answered with a grin.“Let me give it a try. Oh, an

d we shouldn’t forget about that literary man, right?””of cou

rse.”It’s a natural thing. The beauty who was nodding her he

d suddenly remembered the young man dressed as a civil s

ervant.“Hang-ah.””yes.”“What kind of person was that scho

lar?”“I took a closer look, but there was nothing special. H

owever, soon after the dance started, something was secr

etly exchanged between the two.”“Right after the dance st

arted?””yes.”The beauty frowned slightly.Sajahyeok is a wa

rrior with strong pride. It is not easy to understand that s

ch a warrior would exchange words secretly when the mee

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 세종시룸싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱 대전룸바

ting has already begun. Unless there is a compelling reas

on to do so.‘The third reason was the literary master.’

Sajahyeok cited three reasons for refusal. That there is no

need to be the best in the world, which is just a relative

comparison, that he will not stand below anyone, and th

at he is recording.she answered. The best thing in the wo

rld that she will give you is absolutely unique, and it is a

position where you do not have to bow your head to an

yone. And records can be deleted at any time.Nevertheles

s, Sajahyeok refused. And that too with obvious insults.

When Beauty is silent for a moment, she asks Hang-ah q

uietly.“Should we follow them?”The beauty thought for a

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 세종시룸싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱 대전룸바

moment and shook her head.”no. I do not need. “I won’t

be able to do it.”This is Lion Hyuk, who discovered Hang-ah

’s hiding from the beginning. Considering the level he has

shown, his clumsy behavior only stimulates his vigilance.

“But make sure you know their movement route.””All right.”

Chang’e bowed her head and accepted the command.”miss.”

The voice belonged to Wei Jiajin. The beauty stopped her s

teps. And turned her head.”why?”“Does it have to be him?”

The beauty’s eyes shone sharply.