대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성룸싸롱 대전봉명동룸싸롱

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성룸싸롱 대전봉명동룸싸롱

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성룸싸롱 대전봉명동룸싸롱

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성룸싸롱 대전봉명동룸싸롱

To put it mildly, Welgun, who was floating right next to me who was looking down at the garden from

the window, smiled and nodded as if to see the dazzling thing.He said, “Even if it is the 3rd rank (Pthr

A voice full of sincere admiration. However, after that, “I see”, a truly uneasy voice continued. I’m attract

ed, and I’m going to go to the middle of the day.“A person like Sekant-sama still hasn’t been able to ob

tain our 『Treasure』… … It’s hard to believe. Souji-sama, you don’t know the “whereabouts” that could b

e based on the “clue”. I heard that from Sekant-sama, but please forgive the rudeness of repeatedly as

king questions on top of that. Do you know something?」I can look at the eyes that seem to cling to it,

and I inadvertently get choked up by words. The shining green eyes are jewels.Unable to bear the straig

htness any longer, I lowered my eyes. If so, I want to help if I can help the country as well. I want to b

e of some strength, but I think.「Sorry, I wish I could help with something… … I don’t know anything at a

ll”In the end, that is the only answer. It is very heartbreaking and frustrating.I said sorry once more and

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성룸싸롱 대전봉명동룸싸롱

lowered my head, and Welgun responded with a soft voice, saying “No”. And the white hand can be rep

eated on the hand burnt on my blade. Looking back, unexpectedly, there was Welgun’s face nearby.

“I know that you are a good person, even from this well. I feel very sorry for taking advantage of th

at feeling, but——if our 『Treasure』 was sleeping next to you, could you please feel good and hand

it over to Sekant-sama? Sekant-sama is a person we cannot do without. … … Also, I don’t want to se

e your soul being dragged to the bottom.”An earnest voice speaks to me. With the watery green ey

es, it seemed like something would be sucked in. Well-kun, who respects Sekant-san, wants to return

to Sekant-san as soon as possible——but at the same time, he must be worried about me.This situat

ion that continues being targeted by people in the subterranean countryside. He must be a good kid,

he thought deeply. If such a child is going to ask for a favor, he wants to ask (s) as much as he can.

Thinking so, the moment I tried to open my mouth,「Well!」A sharp sound, as if thrown away, ha a

n impact.Shockingly, he felt his shoulders go up and down. Literally, it’s a shock that makes you fe

el like you’re about to jump. Well-kun, too, pulled his hand as if it had been repelled, and looked

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성룸싸롱 대전봉명동룸싸롱

back at the owner of the sound――Sekant-san. The face beside him was pale and hardened, and

his lips even trembled.「Secant-sama」“The people of the earth do not have to acquire beyond kn

owledge of the evils of the sky and the bottom of the earth. We, too, must not give away our kn

owledge. As a military rule, you should have learned it as well.”“… … sorry”In response to the stern

sound, Wergun lowered his head as if to make him bow. Looking at that figure nearby, I was imp

atient. Because [だって], he is not bad.“Ah, that, I’m sorry! I ask out of curiosity, with that!”“Even i

f that was the case, Wel had to refuse.”In a place where the voice of advocacy is raised, there is

no place to set foot. Sekant-san was staring at Welgun with a tough expression he had never s

een before.Wergun keeps his face down, stubbornly unwilling to raise it. don’t even try to make